The Oppenheimer film is based on the history of Oppenheimer, a scientist who was born in 1904 and designed the atomic bomb. The film was made by director Christopher Nolan. Meanwhile, the scriptwriter is Cristopher Nolan, based on the book American Prometheus, which was released in 2005. The book is the work of Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. Meanwhile, several figures involved in this film are Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy, Robert Downey Jr., Matt Damon, Josh Hartnett, Florence Pugh, Rami Malek, Casey Affleck, and Kenneth Branagh.

Oppenheimer Film Synopsis

The film begins with the appearance of the character J. Robert Oppenheimer, played by Cillian Murphy. The 22-year-old Oppenheimer felt anxious when studying. He studied under scientist Patrick Blackett at Cambridge University. The teacher taught him too hard, so he studied hard and managed to get a PhD at the University of Gottingen, Germany. At the university, he met another figure, namely Werner Heisenberg. Then he went to the United States and continued research on quantum physics. He teaches at the University of California. There are other characters who appear, such as Jean Tatlock. Continuing with the scene, he meets his future wife, Katherine Puening. This character is played by Emily Blunt. Puening himself works as a biologist and is also a former member of the Communist Party.

Oppenheimer received support from the Nazis to develop nuclear weapons. The nuclear weapons program itself was led by Werner Heisenberg, who was an acquaintance when he was at the University of Gottingen. The development of the project required the help of other scientists, so finally several scientists were recruited. These scientists are David L. Hill, Edward Teller, and N. Isidor Isaac Rabi. These scientists actually plan to make nuclear weapons with the aim of saving the world. Unfortunately, scientists had doubts, and their discovery was used for bombs when Germany lost World War II. The President of the United States used these findings to drop them on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki incidents claimed a very large number of victims. Many innocent civilians also became victims of the atomic bomb. The President of the United States bestowed the title “Father of the Atomic Bomb” on Oppenheimer. However, Oppenheimer felt very guilty about his findings.

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