Apple has officially launched the Apple Vision Pro on February 2 2024. This has been confirmed by Tim Cook as CEO of Apple. Then there is the question of when the device will be released in China. Tim Cook answered “soon”. This was welcomed by Apple product lovers. Those of you who are interested can also sell the product at USD 3,499. This unit immediately sold up to 200,000 units.
Enthusiasm about Apple Vision Pro
There are many consumers who share their experiences using this device on social media and YouTube. There are also quite a lot of features that Apple offers on this device. You can get interesting views, such as beautiful landscapes. You can feel the sensation as if you were in a real place. The device can even display the sound sensation of landscapes similar to the original.
This device is equipped with a 23 million pixels micro-OLED. You can see quite beautiful views with that many pixels. The device also has advanced, high-resolution sensors. Even cameras are capable of transmitting one billion pixels every second. You can interact with technological devices that display three-dimensional views. There are many applications that take advantage of Apple Vision Pro, such as Zoom. However, popular Spotify and Netflix devices are still unable to take advantage of Vision Pro’s features.
This device also allows you to feel the sensation of real exercise wherever you are. An example of a real-time game is the PGA Tour. 3D golf games with this device allow you to feel the sensation of being on a real golf course from anywhere. You can also use it to watch NBA games with this device. This device can make anyone who uses it feel the sensation of being in a 3D racing area. You can also experience more interesting experiences for the Disney+ and Warner Bros. platforms.
Apple Vision Pro also collaborates with MindNode, Box, and others to make it easier to manage files. You can increase work productivity because it can be integrated with Microsoft 365. So you can take advantage of this technology in the office environment too. It’s no wonder the number of units sold has reached more than 200,000 units since it was first released.